Happy New Year

Photo from ourbrisbane.com - Brisbane Story Bridge Riverfire

2009 has been a rough one for me. But upon reflection I realise that in many ways the good has outweighed the bad. Ive met some fantastic new friends - I could even say soul friends. I have gained a new Grand-godson. All of my close friends and family are more or less well and happy.  Ive grown mentally, and spiritually a lot this year too and as you probably know that is always a little rough. But wisdom gained is worth the pain.

I hope that you all have a fantastic and safe New Years Eve. 2010 looks set to be a fantastic year. I feel it in my bones.

RIP Rowland S Howard

I just found out that Rowland S Howard has died of his liver cancer (via Mixtapezine).  You may not know but I am a Melbournian by er...growth (I grew up there, and in a lot of ways will always be a Melbournian (which is Melbourne Australia for those overseas)), and Rowland Howard was a very influential Melbournian Muso. 

His talent and his outlook on life will be sorely missed. So sad. If you know of Nick Cave (um...punk/indie?), then check out his early music which was enriched by Rowland's gifts via The Birthday Party. Rowland's solo efforts were excellent also.

All I can really say is a heartfelt...Damn. (sorry to my American readers - this word is not even considered a swear word in Australia. Im still not actually sure why it is a swear word in the USA even after having lived in Texas for a time).

I hope whereever you are Rowland that you have no more pain and can make your beautiful music without hinderance. We will miss you, but your music will go on.

Getting Tipsy with Helly and loving Erin McKeown

Am currrently happily getting tipsy with Helen on Cosmopolitans.  Lovely Lovely drink.  Recipe? Sure thing, its really simple:
  • 2 parts vodka
  • 1 part cointreau
  • 1 part fresh lime juice
  • cranberry juice to taste.

Im also overdosing on Erin McKeown's music.  OMG her music is good. And I desperately want her house. If youve no idea what I am talking about you need to go see this.  Her house is to die for.  Thank you to Meet Me at Mikes blog for introducing us. I think Ive found one of the loves of my life.  When I can work out how to attach a youtube movie to the blog I will post her preview so you can see what I mean.

Till then, hope youre all having a fab holiday season. Im escaping to a friends for New Years Eve tomorrow night to escape the hordes that will still be at my house. Cant wait.


Im loving the "Sweet Paul" blog right now. Its dripping with beauty and style. Im mesmerised.

Image taken from the Sweet Paul blog

Microwave Caramel Popcorn

Need I say more?  Tutorial and Recipe Here.

Look what I made!

So I thought today I would finally show you the little girls handbag that I made a week or so ago. Its so cute!  I used the tutorial on "The Object Project" blog. Except of course I modified it just a little.

The original tutorial tells you to just use a single piece of fabric, sew up the sides and sew in the handles (more or less).  Well, when I sewed up the sides and the bottom (I wanted the pattern on the fabric to match), I decided that the fabric Id chosen was too thin. I didnt like it. So I decided to line it.

I know this is probably not the way to line a handbag but the easiest way I could see was, I simply flattened the fabric right side down onto some white cotton, sewed up all the edges, pulled it inside out and ironed it all flat again. I left the hole to pull it inside out where the handle was going to be sewn in so that it would be sewn shut eventually.  And it worked beautifully. Photos below.

Right sides together and sew

Turned inside out and pressed. The pressed fold is to insert the handles,
Sides sewn up, ready to sew in the handles

Handles in and handbag finished

Close up of how the handles sit on the inside.

Im quite proud of this little project. I found it really easy to do and quite satisfying.  The hand sewing of the handles was probably the 'hardest' but that was just a simple stitch in and pull the thread to bunch the fabric around the curve of the bracelet. Once you get a half dozen stitches in, it pretty much bunches itself, I just found it easier and neater to pull the thread - it pulls the fabric into the correct bunching.  I almost wish I had a reason to make another one.  If I could find handles big enough, Id be inclined to enlarge the whole thing and make a handbag for myself.  Now THERE is an idea!

I hope you all are having a great holiday time. Wherever and whatever you are doing, I hope you are well and safe and happy.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a fantastic and safe holiday season!

The image is from the lights around Brisbane City Mall. They are quite gorgeous even if we dont have snow and its stinking hot!

Still cleaning...and crafting....and partying...

Wow, Christmas time is always so frantic isnt it?  Im madly cleaning the house every spare moment I get. Im kinda almost done. But the place looks like an absolute bomb site just at the moment till I put it all back together.  Its all good, at least the house will be spotless once I am done.

Ive also been partying a little which has been nice.  Seeing friends I havent seen for a while, having a few beveridges, nice food. Things of that nature. Very good way to intersperce the dreaded housework. I dont seem to be managing to see the people I need to see - time you know - but its good to throw myself into this christmas mayhem a little.

I did manage to make that little girls handbag and it turned out gorgeous. I will post more details very soon about that because I am very proud. You will most likely laugh because its SUCH a simple pattern, but Im a beginner so for me, I was proud of the achievement. No idea if the child likes it, but in reality that doesnt actually affect my pride in the finished product.

Ok back to the soap suds.  Hope you guys are having MUCH more fun than me!

What a week!

Ive been SO busy this week. Running around like a mad chook. What is it about Christmas time that does this to us?  Ive not gotten anything done on the house so thats what I have to do today.  CLEAN. The entire house needs going over and I only have one more week to do it. And of course, the next 3 days at least are taken up with stuff. ARGH!

That said, Im going to try to do a little crafting today - Im going to make a little girls handbag for a 3 year olds party on Sunday.  I will post more as I go later. It will be a nice break from the cleaning!

Rain at last.....

Its been so stinking hot here in Brisbane and has been threatening to storm for days. Its not storming yet, but its definately raining. Lovely.

(You may have to click and enlarge this one to actually see the rain)

Tim Walker Pictures...

How beautiful is this photo? Its by a photographer called Tim Walker and is part of a book he has released.

I found it at "fabulous finds gal" and she has more photos on her blog so go have a look!

Today we are off to a cars and coffee gig at Paladar Fumior in West End. Will be much fun. If youve never heard of it, and you are a lover of coffee and interesting coffee shops you need to check this place out. I can quite honestly say its the best coffee in Brisbane in my opinion, and Fil the barrista is a hugely interesting person to talk to.  I will try to take photos for you and post later....

Yep...this is gonna take me days!

Im back! And so much is happening....

YAY! I finally have internet access for a while.  Hopefully they have fixed their issues! 

Wow so much is happening for me at the moment.  First of all I would like to say 'thank you Mr Postman'.  This morning I received the patterns I won from Amy Butler. Plus I recieved the pattern I ordred from Lila Tueller - the funked up peasant top.  Fantastic.

I also received my copy of the Toast catalogue.  If you dont know this company go have a look and order your own catalogue. They have such beautiful products - clothes and homewares. They are in the UK so posting stuff to us here in Australia is costly, but we have family in the UK and this is fantastic for Christmas presents and they deliver to them over there.  Plus, and almost more importantly to me, the catalogue is just beautiful. Its a true work of art in itself.  Its printed on matt recycled paper (like all the good mags these days - eg Peppermint, and Frankie) and once Ive finished gazing at the the shopping gorgousness, Im thinking of cutting the photos and framing them - If I can bear to cut it up.  A few pics below...just a couple cause my camera battery died. Let me know if you want more and I will take more.

On a note about the pictures...I read on Pips Meet me at Mikes Blog that you should use a flikr account to host your pics. Well, I loaded some up and stupid blogger wont pull them over. NOT impressed.  Just kinda adds to the excitement of blogging really doesnt it? *sigh* Oh, have worked out I need the address with the .jpg at the end...will keep trying....

OMG and the most amazing news this morning is of course, I have become a Grand-Godmother. My God Son and his partner have just had a baby boy.  I cant wait to meet little M.  And suddenly I have a little one I can make baby stuff for.
 But first...of course there is Christmas.  Suddenly they are all coming to our place for Christmas. Miss H and I had up until this point planned an extremely quiet Christmas. The only thing we were doing was going to a close friend's place for Christmas Day. Now I will have a whole housefull (Godson, Godsons family Goddaughter, their mother, Goddaughters friend...).  We have worked out the bedding but holy crap. I need to springclean the house.  I wasnt even planning to put up decorations or anything. Now I not only have to decorate, but I have to work out food for them all too....suddenly I am SO VERY BUSY. And presents....we werent really gonna worry about them till the sales cause we werent seeing anyone, but now they will all be here....Youch!  I have no tree (it died last year), I have no lights (they also went the way of all things last year).  OK, Im outta here. Ive gotta start cleaning....

BTW the Puppy photo above is from the very talented saikiishiki on Flikr (Anji Tillemans). She photographs her Weimeraner "Mukha" in such beautiful ways (a very long suffering dog), and also paints her here. Go check her out if you have a friend who loves Weimeraners - she has a book also I believe. Would make a perfect Christmas present for someone.


Just a quick note to say...I havent forgotten this blog. No not at all. But I dont have a working internet connection at the moment so its real hard to post. Stupid Vodafone and their internet connection that perpetually dies.  Im borrowing a friends connection for 5 minutes to post this.  So hopefully I will be back online soon and can tell you all about what Ive been doing...

The Pig of Happiness - a philosophy we should all aspire to

I LOVE this little film. Its so cute and in reality the meaning to it is so true. Im going to try to adopt the philosophy from now on. (and thanks to thedottyone.blogspot.com for sharing it first)